About Us

Mon Vale College is the first private institution in Mon District that has been established to tend to the needs of Higher Education in the district. Named with reference to the valley in which the Mon Town, district headquarters is situated, the College aims to provide opportunities for undergraduate courses to the people of the district which consist of more than 2, 50, 000  and even beyond.

Mon is located in the eastern most part of Nagaland and is home to one of the largest tribes in Nagaland – The Konyak Nagas. However, despite the growing population and rapid expansion in new settlements, the district has remained relatively backward in various areas- development, healthcare and higher education. In the sector of higher education, except for one (01) Government college offering degree certificate, the absence of private institution in the whole district have become an obstacle in meeting the need of growing passed percentage. The only Government College cannot accommodate and absorb large numbers of students for which the students and parents have to bear the brunt and consequence. Students are compelled to pursue their studies outside of the district due to shortage and paucity of admission seats in the lone college despite financial disadvantages of their parents. It has also resulted in the increase of students discontinuing their higher studies for the same reason. As a result, anti-social elements have proliferated and the same have restricted the growth of human resource. The rights to higher education are deprived to groups especially belonging to the most economically weak.

In this context, to establish higher education offering degree certificate has become necessitated urgency of the district. In doing so, it will certainly address the problems of disadvantaged students, parents and community. Their rights to higher education and future prospect of becoming a resourceful contributor towards society building are ensured. Emphasis towards qualitative education and to produce responsible individuals in the society will be the endeavor of this institution.